Reduce Stress to Create a More Fulfilling Life

Self-Empowerment is a crucial component of building a rewarding career, fulfilling relationships, spiritual growth, and happiness. However, in today’s world, we tend to run on auto-pilot, oblivious to the little tugs on our heartstrings that lead the way to our purpose through empowerment. When we’re under stress, it’s even more challenging to feel empowered and confident in the choices we make every day. 

To help you become more aligned and secure with your most authentic self, reducing stress will allow you to listen to your inner Knowing, which leads to finding more joy in your life.

Let’s look at a few ways you can begin to reduce stress in your daily life.


This foundational tool is so commonly referred to that it’s easy to miss how powerful it is. Meditation reduces stress and teaches you to focus on what you want while choosing to ignore distractions. Over time, meditation boosts your thinking IQ and hones your ability to listen internally for insight and well-being.

You may have tried meditation in the past and felt that it’s not the right fit for you. But did you know that there are many different types of meditation? You can use meditation to relax, energize, create, explore, and focus.

If you don’t like to sit, that’s ok. I’ve designed active mediation practices tailored to my clients and will work to create a solution that feels good to you.

If you already have a meditation practice, we can work together to adapt it, mix it up, and change it to help you become fully present and grounded, which relieves stress and brings clarity.

Don’t feel you have time for a full meditation? Try these simple tactics to get centered next time you feel stressed:

  • Try this simple yogic breathing technique. Breathe in for 4 counts, hold 4 counts, exhale 8 counts. Repeat the cycle 5 times or until you feel the results.
  • Close your eyes and simply listen to whatever sounds exist. The more you listen, the more you hear and begin to notice the silence underneath the sounds.
  • Focus on gratitude – take a minute to focus on anything you’re grateful for; when your mind focuses on the positive, the stresses of the day can begin to fade away as your perspective changes. The mind focuses on what you choose, so choose to focus on the positive, and that small shift will help reduce the amount of stress you feel.

Guided Visualization: 

Guided visualizations are an easy way to hone in your focus to reach a meditative state and use it effectively. I often use guided visualizations to meet you where you are in the moment and move you towards the purpose at hand.

If you are stressed and overwhelmed when you come to your coaching session, I may guide you through a visualization to open, activate and balance your chakras so that we can be fully present to use your full potential. Other common purposes of guided visualization can include comparing and contrasting the results of choices you are struggling with, getting in touch with positive emotions, visualizing your future, or learning to calm yourself (which is especially effective in conjunction with gem essences).

Visualizations are a great way to help you focus on the positive outcomes you desire. Guided visualizations allow you to take more out of the experience as you don’t have to focus on the practice in order to be present. You can fully embrace the experience with ease and go deeper than you might by yourself.

Gem Essence Therapy:

For clients who want to improve their lives without working so hard, Gem Essence Therapy is a great option. These oral tinctures are a branch of homeopathy, and they are so safe that they can be used even by pregnant women and young children. Gem essences are beneficial for uplifting vitality, reducing stress, gaining clarity, and bringing insight. These remedies support you to function at your full potential now while we work to address the underlying causes for more permanent changes. When stress is lifted, you have much more mental, emotional, and even physical energy to put toward your larger goals.

I work with dozens of gem essences, and each one has specific functions. For example, pyrite is useful if your ability to attain achievement is blocked by doubt, frustration, or overwhelm; it supports your ability to aim for excellence with focus, steady persistence, and trust. Golden scepter quartz may be used if you feel that you are lacking in life purpose, pushing too hard, or are stuck. It helps to clarify your life purpose and to spur action with spiritual guidance for the path of least resistance. Rhodochrosite shows you how to see through the eyes of love, with hope and healing, and gratitude—it is excellent for those who are broken-hearted and feeling discouraged about love. And these are just a few of the many options available.

How do I know which tincture is right for you? In more than forty years of working with gem essences, I have refined an expert process of logical inquiry and intuitive discernment that leads me to connect with what you need. Discovering the right essence and seeing how it works for you can also be very informative about questions and issues we need to address in coaching.

If you’re ready to let go of stress and overwhelm and explore how to feel free, clear, and centered, schedule a Discovery Session. And I’ll be back next week to talk about how to open up to envision possibilities.


Picture of Diane Dreizen

Diane Dreizen

Diane studied Clinical Psychology at Ohio State University, Solution-Focused Life Coaching, and Neurolinguistic Programming at Erickson College International. 

Diane has been a business owner for over 35 years and has spent most of her life studying, practicing, and teaching Meditation. She is an intuitive Master Gem and Flower Essence Practitioner.

Diane manufactures her own line of Homeopathic Gem Essences to support personal growth and wisdom. With her extensive background and experience, Diane pulls it all together to share her unique approach: Tap into Your Own Wisdom to Activate Your Potential!

Meet Diane