Let Your Intentions Be Your Guide

We’ve been exploring the concept of empowerment through visualization, and sharing techniques and protocols that can help you to create a compelling vision, a powerful tool in getting you to your next destination in life. But what happens when that vision manifests? That’s the goal, after all—to literally make your dream come true, with focused attention, refinement of the vision as necessary, and support to make sure you stay on track.

That’s an amazing idea, isn’t it—that you can make your vision into something real, that you can actualize your potential? But maybe it’s even a little scary to realize that you can have what you want with consistent technique, attention, and support. And, sometimes, it’s not until you really start thinking about what that means that you realize you don’t really know what you want. 

Really exploring what actualization means and what it would be like, can be precisely the cue you need to help you take a step back and ensure you’re working toward something you really want. So let’s revisit the concept of intentions.

Intentions are the essential compass you can set to give your life meaningful long-term direction. If you aim for a satisfying, happy life, you must first know who you are and what you really want, so you set the right intentions for yourself. One of the most important things I do as a coach is to help with this process of discernment, to help clients sort out what is authentically them, vs. what society, family, culture, history, etc. tell them they “should” want, “should” do, or “should” be. It’s sometimes surprising to learn that there can be a big difference between what you think you want and what you actually want! 

It can also be a wonderful process to explore setting intentions in different aspects of your life. Culturally, we are most often taught to set intentions around career—we’re used to being on an “achievement track.” Often, that track isn’t aligned with our life purpose and truth, and we have to learn to redefine what achievement is and what we actually want. But many of us don’t apply the setting of intentions to aspects of life that seem to be—but really aren’t—less in our control. For example, what would happen if you did some discernment and dreaming about how you want to be in relationships with family and friends—imagining better communication, more authentic presence, greater ease with the people you love? How about setting intentions around your own empowerment and making some choices about how you want to embrace and manifest your strengths? What would it feel like to have an inspiring plan for your spiritual life and growth, embracing and expanding your wisdom?

As my own work deepens, I’m experiencing more and more how important the power of intention is, and how to know when my intention is serious. If I decide I’d like to do something, but then I quickly forget about it or move on, that intention is fleeting. It may be something I genuinely want, but it’s not something I’m ready to focus on, visualize, and manifest. For example, I’d love to go to Morocco, and if someone offered me an all-expenses-paid vacation, I’d be very excited, and I’d enjoy it immensely. I do want to go. But it’s not a priority or an intention I’m willing to take to the step of commitment. One thing that can sometimes get in the way of discerning serious intention is being distracted by our many less-serious “wants.” Especially if we feel fear around committing to something big, it’s easy to be pulled in a lot of directions by the things we want but which aren’t truly important.

When I have a serious intention, I think about it and explore it. It excites me, and I may do some practical investigations into how it could work. I spend time focusing on it, thinking about how it could unfold and when.  I set deadlines and goals, figure out what might get in my way and how I can remove those obstacles. I talk about it and put it into my calendar. I might ask for help or advice or enlist the support of others to help me get there. These are the kinds of intentions that can really blossom with visualization—both the intention overall and various aspects of the intention. These types of serious intentions help us to stay on track and keep our focus on the long-term, bigger picture.

Commitment is a key component of intention. You can’t set an effective intention without being willing to accept the risks that might be required to do what it takes to manifest your vision. And that brings us right back to . . . what do you really want? What is an authentic, aligned intention that inspires you to make that commitment and take that risk? As a coach, I support and encourage you in the process of inquiry so that you can make an empowering choice that reflects who you want to be.

If you’re ready to find out what you really want, click here to schedule a Discovery Session.


Picture of Diane Dreizen

Diane Dreizen

Diane studied Clinical Psychology at Ohio State University, Solution-Focused Life Coaching, and Neurolinguistic Programming at Erickson College International. 

Diane has been a business owner for over 35 years and has spent most of her life studying, practicing, and teaching Meditation. She is an intuitive Master Gem and Flower Essence Practitioner.

Diane manufactures her own line of Homeopathic Gem Essences to support personal growth and wisdom. With her extensive background and experience, Diane pulls it all together to share her unique approach: Tap into Your Own Wisdom to Activate Your Potential!

Meet Diane