Energy Healing Pinpoints and Heals the Underlying Source

From the first psychology classes I took in the 1970s, I felt I was aligning with my purpose, but something was missing. You’ve likely heard jokes about people in therapy for decades without making progress, and while some may have found success, there’s always a hint of truth to jokes.

As I explored what the “something missing” might be, I began to experience other spiritual and emotional healing modalities, some of which have centuries of success. I practiced Yoga and Taoist Self-healing, as well as Zen and Tibetan Buddhist meditation. I examined the traditions of spiritual healing that exist in many Eastern religions— which we can find even in Christianity. I’ve read about and experienced indigenous Shamanic healing practices such as those of the Shuar and Shipibo peoples and the Hawai’ian practice of Hoʻoponopono. I learned acupressure tapping, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Timeline Therapy. I’ve extensively studied and used homeopathic essences such as flower and gem essences for many years. All of this showed me what’s possible when we go past what we perceive to be the limitations of our minds.

Finding Metaphysical Truth

As I learned about other ways of addressing people’s symptoms and problems, I found two significant commonalities. One recognized a conscious, energetic level beyond what Western science can “prove.” The other is that the conscious spiritual energy informs the physical plane.

This concept is different from how Western therapy practices tend to work. In Western therapy practices, we are often given a tool and told to use it to improve our daily life. Medication is a great example: we take pills for anxiety, depression, and other conditions, and the medication alleviates symptoms by regulating the chemicals in our bodies. In Eastern philosophy, the more significant factor is how our conscious—or unconscious—energy affects our outcomes. How you listen to your deeper wisdom to set your intention and how it plays out on an energy level translates to changes in your daily life and the physical world.

The Eastern and Indigenous approaches recognize that conscious spiritual energy exists and informs the physical plane. Therefore, instead of addressing a physical symptom directly, you can address and release the energetic pattern that your body is reacting to, which will heal both the cause and the symptoms. For example, you may be holding some past emotional trauma that leads to anxiety. It’s not until you release the causal emotional trauma on the energetic level that the anxiety can heal.

An Eclectic Approach to Coaching and Healing

My work has expanded upon a foundation of university education in traditional psychology and in-depth training as a life coach. My work has evolved to incorporate a blend of my foundational training with Indigenous healing, the insight of meditation and intuition, direct energy work, and the art of choosing homeopathic gem essences to uplift, heal, and rejuvenate.

I am passionate about empowering women to embrace their full potential in everything they do by guiding them to tap into their own truth and knowing on an energetic level to understand who they are and what gives their life meaning. This understanding serves as a rudder to guide decisions that inspire them to create the life they want.

When you look at your situation from an energetic level and attune to your inner voice, blend that wisdom and insight with tips and tricks, skill development, and systems-building in the physical world, the results are better, faster, and more effective. You open their mind to more possibilities and improve creativity. You’ll build the confidence in really knowing and becoming empowered. You’ll be able to see the big picture easier and use information more accurately and resourcefully. From this standpoint, you’ll make better choices and are connected to discernment and understanding beyond the capacity of the rational brain.

I feel called to work with clients open to exploring the fundamental, permanent changes that can achieve the results they want when they walk through my door. I love the process of helping women to create rewarding careers, successful relationships, and happy lives.

I’m ready to coach you to become stronger, smarter, and more effective—using the energy and wisdom available to all of us. Are you ready to learn more? Click here to schedule a Discovery Session.

Picture of Diane Dreizen

Diane Dreizen

Diane studied Clinical Psychology at Ohio State University, Solution-Focused Life Coaching, and Neurolinguistic Programming at Erickson College International. 

Diane has been a business owner for over 35 years and has spent most of her life studying, practicing, and teaching Meditation. She is an intuitive Master Gem and Flower Essence Practitioner.

Diane manufactures her own line of Homeopathic Gem Essences to support personal growth and wisdom. With her extensive background and experience, Diane pulls it all together to share her unique approach: Tap into Your Own Wisdom to Activate Your Potential!

Meet Diane